



DK 2020新书 The Animal Atlas 动物地图集 英文高清PDF

The Animal Atlas
About The Animal Atlas
Explore the animal kingdom with this pictorial atlas of the world's wildlife.
Where do animals build their homes? How do they survive in very hot and cold climates? Why are so many species endangered? Discover the answers to all these questions and many more in The Animal Atlas. This lavishly illustrated nature book takes children on a tour, continent by continent, to meet the animals of the world. Within each section, the book travels through different biomes, such as forests, deserts, and lakes; and specific regions, from the Everglades to the Galapagos, Himalayas, and Great Barrier Reef.
The Animal Atlas is packed with beautiful, life-like illustrations of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and insects that live all around the world, from the Amazon to Antarctica. Each species is carefully hand-drawn to show details of fur, feathers, or scales while accompanying captions reveal fascinating facts about the animal's behavior.
Maps, along with icons to represent each animal, show precisely where the animals are found. For example, Australia's iconic koala can be tracked down to the east coast of the country.
The book starts with an introduction to animal groups and habitats and finishes with endangered species and a gallery of amazing, record-breaking animals. First published in 1992, this atlas has been updated for the 2020 edition and is a beautiful gift for a new generation of zoologists.
(全网独家 拼手速‼)终于等到2023年杂志过刊了!! 截至目前2024全年刊, 征订价格全网统一为180💰 2023年过刊库存全部释放——半年刊到手价直接29.9💰!! ----------------------------------- 被称为【中国第一套少儿博物馆杂志】 ‼ 更被”官方钦点“为中国博物馆协会专业委员会会刊!!! 大名鼎鼎的《奇妙博物馆》🔥—— 👉查看更多
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