



时间的秩序 The Order of Time (英文原版书籍)

X m,
3-14发布 阅读:81 回复:0

内容简介  · · · · · ·

在我们的直觉里,时间是全宇宙统一的,稳定地从过去流向未来,可以用钟表度量。可罗韦利向我们揭示出一个奇怪 的宇宙,在这里,时间的特质一一坍塌,在最基本的层面上,时间消失了。他告诉我们,我们对时间流逝的感知,取决于我们的视角……
The bestselling author of Seven Brief Lessons on Physics takes us on an enchanting, consoling journey to discover the meaning of time
'We are time. We are this space, this clearing opened by the traces of memory inside the connections between our neurons. We are memory. We are nostalgia. We are longing for a future that will not come.'
Time is a mystery that does not cease to puzzle us. Philosophers, artists and poets have long explored its meaning while scientists have found that its structure is different from the simple intuition we have of it. From Boltzmann to quantum theory, from Einstein to loop quantum gravity, our understanding of time has been undergoing radical transformations. Time flows at a different speed in different places, the past and the future differ far less than we might think, and the very notion of the present evaporates in the vast universe.
With his extraordinary charm and sense of wonder, bringing together science, philosophy and art, Carlo Rovelli unravels this mystery. Enlightening and consoling, The Order of Time shows that to understand ourselves we need to reflect on time -- and to understand time we need to reflect on ourselves.
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