



Dorling Kindersley - 1000 Useful Words_ Build Vocabulary and Literacy Skills (2018, DK Publishing)

20-7-30发布 阅读:279 回复:0

DK was founded in London in 1974 and is now the world leading illustrated reference publisher and a member of the Penguin Random House division of Bertelsmann. DK publishes highly visual, photographic non-fiction for adults and children. DK produces content for consumers in over 100 countries and over 60 languages, with offices in the UK, India, US, Germany, China, Canada, Spain and Australia.
DK's aim is to inspire, educate and entertain readers of all ages, and everything DK publishes, whether print or digital, embodies the unique DK design approach. DK brings unrivalled clarity to a wide range of topics, with a unique combination of words and pictures, put together to spectacular effect. We have a reputation for innovation in design for both print and digital products.
Our adult range spans travel, including the award-winning DK Eyewitness Travel Guides, history, science, nature, sport, gardening, cookery and parenting.
DK’s extensive children’s list showcases a fantastic store of information for children, toddlers and babies. DK covers everything from animals and the human body, to homework help and craft activities, together with an impressive list of licensing titles, including the best-selling LEGO® books.
DK acts as the parent company for Alpha Books, publisher of the Idiot's Guides series.
24:00关团 某当中转仓搬迁处理第六弹,500多种,几十万册品质好书,数量种类是上次的2倍,一场淘书狂欢,也是用2个月时间给大家准备的福利。 ✅里面有很多爆品,绝版套装,都是王炸,但量都不多。 ✅1元福利书不停歇,上千册1元书补贴在链接里。还有0.01元文艺帆布袋拼手速抢。 ✅一次让大家抢过瘾,一定一定要记得先加入购物车! ✅微瑕品!不影响阅读!介意慎拍!满29包邮,截团后7天左右发货。 👉查看更多
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