



《刻意学习》中文版+原版英文书来了!Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better

20-7-30发布 阅读:2714 回复:29

美国公认经典练习书,改变全球9800万人的学习方式,每30秒钟便有一人受益于它!《罗辑思维》罗振宇支招刻意练习是成为高手的必经之路! 42个方法教会你“世上根本没有学不会这种事”!分享的是中文版三个格式(epub, mobi, azw3)和英文版两个格式(epub, mobi)
Practice Perfect: 42 Rules for Getting Better at Getting Better
Rules for developing talent with disciplined, deliberate, intelligent practiceWe live in a competition loving culture. We love the performance, the big win, the ticking seconds of the clock as the game comes down to the wire. We watch games and cheer, sometimes to the point of obsession, but if we really wanted to see greatness—wanted to cheer for it, see it happen, understand what made it happen—we'd spend our time watching, obsessing on, and maybe even cheering the practices instead. This book puts practice on the front burner of all who seek to instill talent and achievement in others as well as in themselves. This is a journey to understand that practice, not games, makes champions.In this book, the authors engage the dream of better, both in fields and endeavors where participants know they should practice and also in those where many do not yet recognize the transformative power of practice. And it’s not just whether you practice. How you practice may be a true competitive advantage. Deliberately engineered and designed practice can revolutionize our most important endeavors. The clear set of rules presented in Practice Perfect will make us better in virtually every performance of life. The “how-to” rules of practice cover such topics as rethinking practice, modeling excellent practice, using feedback, creating a culture of practice, making new skills stick, and hiring for practice.Discover new ways to think about practice. Learn how to design successful practice. Apply practice across a wide range of realms, both personal and professionalThe authors include specific activities to jump-start practiceDoug Lemov is the best-selling author of Teach Like a Champion
A hands-on resource to practice, the rules within will help to create positive outliers and world-changing reservoirs of talent.
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